UK-Vietnam Researcher Links Regional Workshop
Call for Participation
Dates and Venue: 22/10/2018 – 25/10/2018, at The University of Transportation and Communications (UTC), Hanoi, Vietnam
Discipline: Communications, Computer Science, Transportation, Built Environment
To apply for the workshop please click here
The programme – British Council Researcher Links – provides opportunities for early career researchers from the UK, Vietnam and other South East Asia countries to interact, share knowledge and research outcomes and explore opportunities for building long-lasting research collaborations. As part of this programme, we are now recruiting early career researchers to participate in the above workshop, jointly organised by Middlesex University London, UK and The University of Transportation and Communications (UTC), Vietnam.
The workshop will provide a unique opportunity for sharing research expertise and networking. During the workshops early career researchers will have the opportunity to present their research in the form of a short oral presentation and discuss their research with established researchers from the UK and Vietnam. There will be a focus on building up links for future collaborations and participants selected on the basis of their research potential and ability to build longer term links. There will also be keynote lectures from established and well respected researchers (Prof Amurugam Nallanathan).
Newton Fund will cover the costs related to the participation to the workshop, including: travel (both international and local), accommodation and meals. Costs for the visa, and travel insurance will be covered for UK participants; however participants will be responsible for making all the necessary arrangements. The workshop organisers accept no responsibility for any problems which may occur when the participants are in-country.
Apart from the funded participants, the workshop will be open to other self-funded local and regional researchers who show keen interests in the topics.
The topics of the workshop will include:
- Smart transportation management systems
- Machine to machine (M2M) for logistics, freight RFID tracking
- Cloud-based freight data solutions
- 5G networks for public safety/emergency services in transportation
- Connected vehicles for road safety
- Monitoring/warning systems for possible structural disasters (vibration, tilt, acceleration, deformation, cracking)
- Wireless sensor networks for transportation
- Energy efficiency in critical communication systems
- Wireless technologies to relieve congested roadways
- Real-time data processing techniques for estimation of traffic flow, density, and speed; including machine learning for transportation traffic data
- Image processing and computer vision for transportation and logistics
The workshop will also be open to other topics related to the potential solutions in transportation. All of the topics above will provide a timely boost for new technology to be implemented in addressing transportation issues in Vietnam and South East Asian countries.
The full application must be completed by completing online form above.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Applications must be submitted using the online Researcher Links application form above
- Participants must be Early Career Researchers: Early Career Researchers are defined as holding a PhD (or having equivalent research experience) and having up to 10 years post-PhD research experience, with allowances made for career breaks. They are equivalent to the ‘Recognised Researcher’ and sometimes ‘Established Researcher’ categories in the EU framework for researchers’ careers.
- Participants must have a research or academic position (a permanent post, research contract, or fellowship etc.) at a recognised research institution either in the UK, Vietnam or other South East Asian countries.
- Please note that participants are expected to attend all sessions of the workshop.
Quality Assessment
- Experience and relevance of the applicant’s research area to the workshop
- Motivation and contribution to the aims of the workshop
- Description of the long term impact expected through the participation in the workshop
- Ability to disseminate workshop’s outcomes
- Participants from for-profit organisations cannot be funded
Selection Procedure:
- Eligibility check
- Quality assessment
Notification of results
Applicants will be notified by email two days after the closing dates.
Equal Opportunities
Equal opportunities and diversity are at the heart of the British Council’s cultural relations ambitions. While recognising that some research fields are dominated by one particular gender, coordinators are encouraged to work towards an equal gender balance and promote diversity. They must not exclude applicants on the basis of ethnicity, gender, religious belief, sexual orientation, or disability. Participants’ selection undertaken by workshop organisers must not contravene this policy. Extra support to enable participation of Early Career Researchers with special needs will be given.
Contact person:
- Dr. Huan Nguyen (H.Nguyen@mdx.ac.uk) for UK and South East Asian participants
- Dr. Bui Tien Thanh (btthanh@utc.edu.vn) for Vietnam participants
This work is supported by a Researcher Links Regional Workshop grant, ID 2017-RLWK9-11412, under the Newton Fund Vietnam Programme partnership. The grant is funded by the UK Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and delivered by the British Council. For further information, please visit www.newtonfund.ac.uk.